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Writing is a fundamental skill that students need to improve  in order to master a laguage. This course is designed for First Year LMD students of English, inviting them to sharpen their writing potencials. Basically, it opens the door for students to knwo how to write an effective paragraph that conforms to the norms of academic writing. The course is devided into four Lessons through which the students are introduced to the principles of structuring a paragraph. The first lesson deals with the writing process, enabling learner to use different strategies to collect information. The second one sheds light on the different parts that make up a paragraph along with their specificities. The third lesson hilights the characteristics of a good paragraph, emphasing on coherence, unity . The last one is dedicated to explore some of the major paragraph types in order to  improve students' writing profeciency. In addition, the course provides different activities which enable the learners tp assess their understanding  of the material. Subsequently, the course is an opportunity for students to deveplop their writing skill and move to a more advanced level.

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